This method is a great way to acquire gold, because some people just need a small amount and are willing to pay just a little more so they can get just what they need and not any more than they need.It will take time but you will begin to see these bad deals for what they are the more familiar you become with the AH.


In an age where technology has developed to magnitudes where it has enabled human souls to connect with one another across the globe, via the internet, one cannot just sit back and ignore its pure magnificence. Man living in the past would not have dreamed it possible, yet it is here.


Human, and I use the following word loosely; contact was essentially restricted according to one's physical mode of transportation. Those, whose purses were brimming with coin, subsequently had the means to connect, and be heard by the rest of the world, while the pauper who had no rights would be rendered voiceless in a distant past imagined via history books.

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